Miljković, D., Kralj, J., Stepišnik, U. and Pollak, S. (2019)

Communities of related terms in Karst terminology co-occurrence network

Grčić-Simeunović, L., Stepišnik, U., Vintar, Š. (2020)

Klasifikacijska uloga pridjeva u području geomorfologije krša

Grčić-Simeunović, L., Martinc, M., Vintar, Š. (2020)

A bilingual approach to specialised adjectives through word embeddings in the karstology domain

Pollak, S., Podpečan, V., Miljkovic, D., Stepišnik, U. and Vintar, Š. (2020)

The NetViz terminology visualization tool and the use cases in karstology domain modeling

Pollak, S., Repar, A., Martinc, M. and Podpečan, V. (2019)

Karst exploration: extracting terms and definitions from karst domain corpus

Repar, A., Martinc, M., Pollak, S. (2020)

Reproduction, replication, analysis and adaptation of a term alignment approach

Repar, A., Podpečan, V., Vavpetič, A., Lavrač, N., Pollak, S. (2019)

TermEnsembler: An ensemble learning approach to bilingual term extraction and alignment

Vintar, Š., Grčić Simeunović, L., Martinc, M., Pollak, S. and Stepišnik, U. (2020)

Mining Semantic Relations from Comparable Corpora through Intersections of Word Embeddings

Vintar, Š., Saksida, A., Stepišnik, U. and Vrtovec, K. (2019)

Modelling specialised knowledge with conceptual frames: the TermFrame approach to a structured visual domain representation

Vrtovec, K., Vintar, Š., Saksida, A. and Stepišnik, U. (2019)

TermFrame: Knowledge frames in Karstology

Vintar, Š. and Stepišnik, U. (2020)

TermFrame: A Systematic Approach to Karst Terminology

Vintar, Š., Podpečan, V., Ribič, V. (2021)

Frame-based terminography: a multi-modal knowledge base for karstology

Repar, A., Martinc, M., Ulčar, M., Pollak, S. (2021)

Word-embedding based bilingual terminology alignment

Vintar, Š. and Martinc, M. (2022)

Framing karstology: From definitions to knowledge structures and automatic frame population