• Landform
  • Underground landform



Scallops are shallow niches, up to a few cm long, that are shaped by eddies.

Knez and Slabe, 2016


scallop : Oval hollow having an asymmetric cross section along its main axis. Scallops form patterns on tl e walls of caves and in streambeds and were used by Bretz to determine direction of flow of turbulent water, since they are steeper on the upstream side. Commonly called flutes in America.

Monroe, 1970


Scallops are spoon-shaped hollows.

White and Culver, 2012

CAUSE caused by turbulent waterflow
shaped by eddies
FORM asymmetrical
Oval hollow having an asymmetric cross section along its main axis
since they are steeper on the upstream side
LOCATION distributed in rather regular fashion over limestone surfaces
on the walls of caves and in streambeds
MEASURES were used by Bretz to determine direction of flow of turbulent water
SIZE up to a few cm long