• Geome

polygonal karst


polygonal karst - karst completely pitted by closed depressions so that divides between them form a crudely polygonal network.

Gillieson, 1996


polygonal karst : A karst area where the surface is completely pitted with closed depressions, the divides of which form a crudely polygonal network. Especially common in humid tropical cone-karst terrain, but also found in well-formed temperate doline-karst terrain.

Monroe, 1970

FORM so that divides between them form a crudely polygonal network
pitted by closed depressions
the divides of which form a crudely polygonal network
LOCATION Especially common in humid tropical cone-karst terrain
SIZE but also found in well-formed temperate doline-karst terrain
CONTAINS where the surface is completely pitted with closed depressions